Alyce's Art Studio Teen Portfolio class is designed to guide the development of an advanced portfolio. Students will work with a variety of materials to create art that is representative of their skills and interests. Students in this year-long program will create an impressive portfolio, build their ideas through sketchbook prompts and exercises , and have an opportunity to showcase their artwork in a group art show at the end of the school year.
Advanced Teen Portfolio Class
1 visit free
Purchase required to enroll
- Advances students from previous foundational drawing and painting curriculums toward the goal of becoming an individual artist.
- Students work from still-life and reference images to develop their skills.
- The objective of the Teen Portfolio class is the development of a sketchbook, "gallery ready" artwork, and a body of work that is reflective of each individuals interests.
- Students are encouraged to research, sketch, and create at home as well as in the classroom, so that they have a full body of artwork by the end of the school year.
- Our talented Teen Portfolio class instructors encourage our teens to research artists and look for opportunities throughout the year.
- $200 for 4 sessions
- Monday- Friday 5 pm- 7 pm
- $55 for a one-time 2 hour session
- 11 am- 3:30 pm
- $20 per drop in
- Payment required at time of attendance
- Must be a currently enrolled Teen Portfolio student in order to attend
- Student participants must be at least 13 years of age
- Participants are required to have at least 1 year prior experience at AAS (or equivalent experience)
- Ability to follow instruction and be able to work independently
- Good attitude, professionalism, and appropriate attire
- Ability to commit to 2 hours a week + additional work time at home. Projects may take 20 or more hours to complete.